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Daily tea space

Tea tasting should have been a quality event that takes time, but people often rush it as a result of chasing and fulfilling their dreams. Fortunately, in our teashop you get to take a short break to enjoy quality teas and rest your bustling heart.

About Daily tea time

Tea tasting should have been a quality event that takes time, but people often rush it as a result of chasing and fulfilling their dreams. Fortunately, in our teashop you get to take a short break to enjoy quality teas and rest your bustling heart.

May everyone discover the goodness of everyday life be- tween tea times, and pass on good and positive values through themselves.

Our Chefs

Brand insisting 

Add a lot of tea elements, Taiwanese old master formula with over 40 years of operation Launched Taiwanese tea or products with traditional Taiwanese beverage elements.

Our team

Provide systematic education and training before opening a store to create service value and share value.


After the store is successfully opened, the store supervisor will assist the store staff. Eli people are more familiar with the process.


The operation supervisor regularly inspects each store to do in-store counseling.


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Tel.   02-2753-5530

Adr. 台北市信義區忠孝東路四段553巷22弄6-1號

No. 6-1, Lane 22, Lane 553, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 


GMT+8 10:00-19:00



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